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Earn More Money From Your YouTube Videos

  • Discover which YouTube videos drives sales, email sign ups and applications.
  • Instantly update every link below your videos at the touch of a button 

"I finally know exactly what videos grow my business"

“When I could finally see which of my videos were generating sales I stopped making videos that didn’t make money .
Ed Lawrence
Film Booth/Creator Booth

But won't updating every link below your videos take ages?...NOPE!

Instantly update the links below every video on your channel to Revit tracking links at  the push of a button.

Within 10 minutes you will have years of content tracking your clicks, sales, applications and calls

How Revit Makes You More Money

Within 15 minutes you’ll finally see what videos are actually driving sales, calls, applications and email conversions. Then you just make more of that. 

Learn what style of video actually makes money

Not all video types are equal when it comes to generating sales from YouTube. With Revit, you can identify the most profitable styles on your channel and stop wasting time on content that doesn’t make money.

Discover Driving the most link clicks

Identify the topics and titles that generate the highest link clicks, sales, applications, and calls. Double down on these and make your content 10 times more profitable.

Optimize description for sales

The call to action next to your description links can make or break your sales. Test your call to actions, see what gets the most clicks and then set the most effective option. Imagine the impact of 100 optimized descriptions on your business!

Establish your dollar-per-view

Forget YouTube’s 1/10 ranking system. Now you can see how much revenue each view generates. This allows you to assess the true impact of your “flops,” which often deliver significantly higher dollars-per-view than your hits.

Never waste time on a pointless video again

Views are great, but at some point, sales matter more than making new internet friends. Revit helps you focus on profitable content, enabling you to earn more, faster.

Identify the real bottleneck in your sales funnel

If you’re not tracking clicks from your videos, you’re only measuring half of your funnel. Start from the beginning of your viewers’ journey for game-changing insights.

Build your email list faster

Revit doesn’t just track sales; it shows which videos convert the most email subscribers too. Knowing this will show you exactly what to do more of for faster list growth.

Turn your community wall into a sales tool

Track the effectiveness of your community wall promotions. Test different post styles to find what drives the most sales or email sign-ups, then repeat, repeat, repeat.

Say "Click the link" and finally know if anyone did

Finally see how effective asking someone to "click the link" in a video is. based on your in-video calls to action. Then Identify the most effective call to action and repeat.

"It took 24hrs to see results "

“Within a few hours I could see that one video on my channel had a 38% conversion rate to calls booked!! I share this everywhere now so I make money without having to make more videos.
iInternet Made Coder